19. Possessive Pronouns

In this lesson, we will talk about the “Possessive Pronouns”.

Possessive pronouns are like magic words that show ownership. Instead of saying “Lisa’s book” or “Tom’s car,” we use these special words.

“‘Possessive pronouns are words that show who owns or has something. They replace nouns to avoid repeating the same word.”

Common Possessive Pronouns

Example Sentences:

  • “This book is mine.” (The book belongs to me.)
  • “Is this pen yours?” (Does the pen belong to you?)
  • “The red car is theirs.” (The car belongs to them.)
Possessive Pronouns
  • Mine: belongs to me
  • Yours: belongs to you
  • His: belongs to him (a male)
  • Hers: belongs to her (a female)
  • Ours: belongs to us (you and me)
  • Theirs: belongs to them (a group of people)
Possessive PronounExample SentenceMeaning
MineThis book is mine.The book belongs to me.
YoursIs this pen yours?The pen belongs to you.
HisThat bike is his.The bike belongs to him.
HersThe red dress is hers.The dress belongs to her.
OursThis house is ours.The house belongs to us.
TheirsThe car is theirs.The car belongs to them.

Why Use Them?

Possessive pronouns help you avoid repeating the same nouns and make your sentences shorter and clearer. For example, instead of saying, “This is my book, and that is your book,” you can say, “This is mine, and that is yours.” This makes your language smoother and easier to understand!


Possessive pronouns are words like “mine,” “yours,” “his,” “hers,” “ours,” and “theirs” that show ownership or who something belongs to.

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