16. Time Expressions (today, yesterday, ago etc.)

In this lesson, we will talk about the ‘Time Expressions’.

Time expressions are words or phrases that tell us when something happens. They help us understand the timing of events, like whether something is happening now, happened in the past, or will happen in the future.

For Example

  • I am studying English today.
  • I eat breakfast in the morning.
  • I am reading now.

Time ExpressionMeaningExample Sentence
TodayThe present dayI am studying English today.
TomorrowThe day after todayI will go shopping tomorrow.
YesterdayThe day before todayI watched a movie yesterday.
MorningEarly part of the day (before noon)I eat breakfast in the morning.
AfternoonThe time after noon until eveningI study in the afternoon.
EveningThe time from the end of the afternoon until nightI relax in the evening.
NightThe time when it is dark, usually for sleepingI sleep at night.
NowAt the present momentI am reading now.
SoonA short time in the futureI will eat dinner soon.
LaterAt a time in the future, but not immediatelyI will call you later.
AgoA specific time in the past, counted back from nowI started learning English one year ago.
Time Expressions

Basic Time Expressions

  • Today: This means the present day. For example, “I am studying English today.”
  • Tomorrow: This means the day after today. For example, “I will go shopping tomorrow.”
  • Yesterday: This means the day before today. For example, “I watched a movie yesterday.”

Parts of the Day

  • Morning: The time from when you wake up until around noon (12:00 PM). Example: “I eat breakfast in the morning.
  • Afternoon: The time after noon until evening. Example: “I study in the afternoon.
  • Evening: The time from the end of the afternoon until night. Example: “I relax in the evening.”
  • Night: The time when it is dark, usually when we sleep. Example: “I sleep at night.

Days of the Week

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: These are the weekdays. For example, “I go to work on Monday.”
  • Saturday, Sunday: These are the weekend days. For example, “I rest on Saturday.”

Other Time Expressions

  • Now: This means at the present moment. Example: “I am reading now.”
  • Soon: This means a short time in the future. Example: “I will eat dinner soon.”
  • Later: This means at a time in the future, but not immediately. Example: “I will call you later.”
  • Ago: This means at a time in the past. Example: “I finished my homework five minutes ago.

“These basic time expressions help you talk about when things happen”

With practice, you’ll get used to using them in everyday conversations!


Time expressions are like little helpers in our sentences—they tell us when things happen. Whether it’s talking about something happening now, something that happened in the past, or something that will happen in the future, time expressions make it all clear!

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